
Sawston Youth Group Amicus Photos

Click on one of the links below to take a look at some of the pictures on this website;

Amicus main photos

 • SYG Amicus - Enrolment Service October 
 • SYG Amicus - Dance Night October
 • SYG Amicus - Bowling November
 • SYG Amicus - Carol Service December
 • SYG Amicus - Glow in the Dark DISCO December
 • SYG Amicus - Sports Night January
 • SYG Amicus - Bowling February
 • SYG Amicus - Easter at the Church March
 • SYG Amicus - Presentation Evening and Awards April
 • SYG Amicus - Wide Games May
 • SYG Amicus - Laser Tag June
 • SYG Amicus - Canoeing June
 • SYG Amicus - H2o July
 • SYG Amicus - Foot Golf July
 • SYG Amicus - End of Term Picnic July
 Check back soon for more pictures!